Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Folly of Youth?

During this election, my mailbox has been flooded with all sorts of wild claims surrounding our current crop of municipal candidates. While I realize most of those claims are probably coming from opposing political camps, I still felt the need to examine some of the most egregious accusations. The majority of them have turned out either not to be true, or I have found no real way of validating the allegation.

However, some have proven fruitful such as Henry's claim of being President of United Water and Tom Arnold brandishing a gun in the Algiers' Courthouse.

A couple of weeks ago I received an allegation against John Georges which really disturbed me. I searched the internet for more information about the rumor and found that it had already been circulated for months... here and here.

The allegation involved Georges being the member of a Tulane fraternity notorious for its debauchery from hazing incidents to vandalism. Much of the stories were typical fraternity fare, but what distinguishes this frat from the norm is an annual party they threw called "The Debutramp Ball" which involved members of the fraternity dressing in blackface and conducting astonishingly racist acts.

I had heard about these incidents taking place at Tulane before, but I always thought they were isolated items which were most likely blown out of proportion.

I was wrong....very wrong.

I went down to the Tulane library to see what I could find out about this fraternity, Delta Kappa Epsilon (aka. Dekes). What I found still has my head spinning....a history of unapologetic, cavalier, racist acts which ran for decades up until the late 90's.

The history of the Deke's Debutramp Ball supposedly began in the early 50's when there was a garbage strike in the city. The Dekes, who lived in a house on the 1400 block of Henry Clay, decided to help clean up their street in the wake of the strike. I suppose the fraternity mentality got the best of them and they decided to turn their community service into a party. The idea was that they would lampoon the debutante culture of New Orleans and Mardi Gras balls by throwing the trashiest party they could muster. They dressed themselves in clothes from Goodwill, ate sloppy food like spare ribs, and the king and queen of the ball even arrived at the party in a trash truck at one time.

Sounds like good ole' college fun at first glance.

Somewhere down the line (maybe from the beginning) the party started taking on racist undertones, from dressing in blackface to carrying nooses.

Some of the stories I have heard are horrifying. While they certainly dressed in blackface (pictures to follow), there were also reports of members dressing as KKK members and rednecks with guns. The event eventually spawned a parade down McCallister Street where the frat hired flambeaus and mule drawn wagons driven by African Americans.

One of the more egregious stories claims that the Dekes would spread cotton balls around their house and yard, then hire destitute black men to roam the house and pick up the cotton.

That particular story is conjecture and I couldn't find it documented in the library, but I did find a lot which was documented....even by the Deke's themselves.

In 1987 the parade drew the fire of not just Tulane officials, but the entire community. The City Council and Mayor Sidney Barthelemy were approached to " take whatever steps are necessary and possible" to shut the fraternity down permanently.

Tulane President, Eamon Kelly, had already revoked the Deke's charter in 1984 after finding them guilty of 4 violations of the IFC charter involving hazing, initiation abuse and communtiy complaints.

Kelly's letter calling for the eradication of the Deke fraternity was submitted on the cusp of a particularly rowdy Debutramp is the beginning of Kelly's 1987 letter to the Tulane community:

(Note: I aplogize for the blurred photographs, but the library would not allow me to use a flash when taking these pictures. Click on the image to enlarge.)

Here are some pictures I found of the Debutramp parade rolling down McCallister:

This one is the Debutramp group in front of the Deke House on Henry Clay:

I'm not sure what the poles are but they seem to be a staple prop for the party.

I went through the entire file folder of the complaints against the Deke's from 1930 up to 1996. One of the stranger complaints came in 1978 when Patricia Cade of the Jefferson Parish SPCA wrote a letter to then President of Tulane, Sheldon Hackney, complaining about "the use of a goat" in the frat's initiation practices:

Here is Hackney's response:

I certainly hope it wasn't true either, Sheldon.

I also found a letter to Hackney about the incident penned by a Catholic nun from a nearby church that was about 5 pages long. She was lecturing him about how bestiality would lead to the spiritual downfall of the entire was a fun read.

The Dekes later denied that any sexual activity with the goat actually took place...I could find no comment from the goat.

I went back through the Tulane Jambalaya (their year book) from 1975 through 1987 to see if I could find pictures of the fraternity and the Debutramp Ball. The very first picture I found dropped my jaw:


Yes it is...

This was the fraternity's group picture which they submitted to the yearbook....and the Jambalaya editors published it. Wow.

Apparently the goat ritual continued even after they were exposed in 1978, as this 1979 group picture proudly displays the goat in the middle of the frame:

So back to the allegations at hand.

Georges was certainly a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon when he attended Tulane circa 1979, 1980, 1981. In this group picture he is the guy sitting down in the upper left:

This picture is from the 1981 yearbook, when Georges was actually the president of Delta Kappa Epislon:

Here is a tighter shot:

Looks like they were trying to do some kind of Last Supper theme.

Then I found this photo from 1980 which appears to be the Debutramp event. Georges was either a sophomore or junior when this photo was taken:

I'm not sure what the poles represent, they kind of look like shotguns. It seems like some of the members are dressed like rednecks and the other members are in blackface.

Ok, so the burning question is whether or not Georges is in this photo and if he ever attended this racist party while he was a Deke. I have shown this photo to a couple of people who have seen Georges in person (I never have) and they claim the face in the far left side of the picture is suspect:

I don't know if that is Georges or not, but here's what I do know:

- I know that he was in the fraternity when this picture was taken.

- I know this party occurred every year through his tenure at the frat.

- I know the Deke's were constantly being charged with racist actions all the way up to 1997:

In the End, Where Will Power Lie?
Players might take a lesson from an event that unfolded here largely buried by the Super Bowl hype. Last Friday, members of a fraternity distributed flyers under the doors of white male students at Loyola and Tulane Universities here, inviting them to a rush for Delta Kappa Epsilon. The fraternity's event for Jan. 20, Martin Luther King's birthday, was ''DKE National Holiday.'' The flyer invited recipients to ''Come celebrate the King's birthday with fried chicken from Popeye's, watermelon and a 'forty' '' -- a 40-ounce bottle of beer.
A white student at Loyola showed the flyer to two black friends, Nathan Woods and Ryan C. Holmes. On Monday, Holmes, Woods, their white friend and eight others visited the frat house. Asked their business when they arrived, Holmes said: ''We're here to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday with you. Where's the chicken?''
There was no violence but Holmes said that he made his point. You can argue that college students reacting to slights and indignities are far less at risk than high-profile athletes who would protest hiring practices. But if 19-year-old students are courageous enough to confront a racial situation, why should millionaire athletes who collectively form a vast power base, tremble in fear?

Riding on the recent endorsement from the New Olreans Tribune ( let me know if you were as bewildered as I was after you read that endorsement, Oyster has commentary), Georges has touted himself as the only person in the mayoral election who can bridge the racial divide. Well...before he performs miracles I think he needs to give us a pragmatic explanation of his affiliation with this organization.

I'm actually sympathetic to the notion of the folly of youth....I did some incredibly stupid things when I was in college (but nothing like this, mind you). I believe in redemption but in order to get there he needs to come forward and condemn the actions of that, he needs to condemn that fraternity entirely....right now he is proudly listing himself as its former president.

I'm still having trouble understanding how Tulane allowed that stuff to go on for decades....all the way up to 1997. That's incomprehensible to me.

I contacted Georges' campaign and asked if he wanted to reply to the story, I received no response. Any repsonse he would like to give, I will post.

UPDATE: a commenter noted that Mayor Barthelemy was not in office until 1986 and he is correct. Here is the bottom half of the letter:

I got the date wrong and have subsequently corrected it.

As for the political hit can think what you want, it doesn't change the facts. I wrote this story of my own volition and time, but if you would like to donate to my work there is a PayPal button on the right side of the blog....maybe I can hire an editor to help me with fact checking.

UPDATE 2: I got the name of the party incorrect. The correct name was Debutramp Ball, I called it the Debutrash Ball. I have corrected that mistake in the post.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Folly of Youth?":

Just a point of clarification in your timeline of DKE activities --

On Feb. 15, 1984, Tulane President Eamon Kelly revoked the charter of DKE.

Any DKE actions after 1984 were conducted without any tie to Tulane University, and were independent actions undertaken by a group which had no affiliation with Tulane.

The 1987 parade through Tulane's campus was held without the permission of Tulane (although the group had filed for a New Orleans parade permit). This action was deplored by Tulane officials, and in the letter of April 11, 1987, of which you show only a portion, President Kelly goes on to state that participants in the parade would be prosecuted to the fullest extent, that he was writing to the DKE national organization urging it to revoke the charter of the New Orleans affiliate {the Tulane chapter had already been closed}, and asking the Mayor and City Council to take whatever steps they could to close the DKE house on Henry Clay Avenue.

Hence, it is incorrect to say: "... Tulane allowed that stuff to go on for decades....all the way up to 1997."

Tulane initially banned DKE in 1984, and permanently washed its hands of the fraternity in 1987. Any references to DKE activity post-1984 were not Tulane-related.

What is incorrect is the end of the sentence, "all the way up to 1997." Mea Culpa. However the party originated in the 50's and ran up to 1984, that certainly constitutes decades.

Thank you for pointing that out.

UPDATE 4: I didn't make it explicitly clear in the original post that the yearbook picture with the noose was from the 1975 yearbook...I have corrected that.

UPDATE 5: Eamon Kelly was the President of Tulane, not the IFC.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Holy schnizzel

Am I looking at that map correctly? Are we on board to get a high speed rail connection? Is it wrong to catch a woody over this?

Inside Obama's Plan to Spend 8 Billion Dollars on High Speed Rail

The Best News You'll Hear All Day

I was just informed that City Council has voted to put all LRA and D-CDBG projects on ice pending new leadership in the mayor's office. I was told there will be no new contracts, bids, awards, and most change orders.

Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!


Hang on, I'm being told that's not the case...more to come.

R.I.P. Mr. Zinn

Howard Zinn Dead, Author Of "People's History of the United States" Died At 87

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spy vs. Senator

FBI Accusing Suspects Of Interfering With Senators Phones

Wow, they're all in their early 20's. I hope the RNC is going to pay their legal bills for them and give them jobs when they get out of prison in a couple of years. Maybe they can work for Tom Delay.

UPDATE: scratch Spy vs. Senator as title

ACORN gotcha man among four arrested for attempting to tamper with Mary Landrieu's office phones

New title: DUMB + ASS = James O' Keefe

I guess it really is hard being a pimp. What a fucking moron.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Damn I have to get up tomorrow...AM in the AM

Hey peeps....I will be making an appearance on Jeff Croure's Ringside Politics tomorrow at 9:30 A.M. That's 990 on the Amplitude Modulation scale.

Incidentally, did you know that when the sun sets, AM frequencies actually start bouncing off the ionosphere and can travel 100's of miles? See, I did learn something in those broadcast journalism classes I took at Ole Miss....that class was in the AM as well, surprised I remember anything from it....but it was taught by David Kellum, "The Voice of the Rebels", so at least the class sounded good....tangential spiral, come back Major Tom....

And also from the AM world...a big thanks for the shout out from Eric Asher and WIST.

Yes I am in a gratuitous linking frenzy but it's so rare that I get any love from the MSM (besides being called a delusional nut), I feel the need to hug them back...and I actually dig both Jeff and Eric's shows, so it's a sincere plug...I mean hug.

uuuuuhhhh....there you go...I have a face for radio.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Meanwhile in District C

It seems most of the attention in the N.O. blogosphere has been on the mayor's race this's been so dramatic it's hard not to focus on it.

My primary concern as a blogger in this election is that people at least know the candidates this time before they cast their votes. If there is anything dubious about their past, I think it's important the voting populous is made aware of such information.

Such is the case with District C.

A couple of weeks ago, I had heard the District C race between Kristin Palmer and Tom Arnold was being plagued by whisper campaigns from both sides. But most of those whispers turned out to be idle gossip regarding relationships and as a rule of thumb I don't like to discuss those matters on AZ as I think they rarely have any pertinence to a person's ability to perform a civic duty.

There was, however, one story of an incident which took place at the Algiers Courthouse which caught my attention and I decided to look into it. Two weeks later, I am confident the event took place but even more disturbing than the event itself, is that there is no official record of the event taking place....and there most definitely should be.

Here is the story as confirmed by two confidential, independent witnesses:

In April of 2008, around noontime, an incident took place at the Algiers Courthouse in which Tax Assessor, Tom Arnold, was brandishing a gun in his office. An employee of Judge Bobby Jones named Buck, told the witnesses that Mr. Arnold was locked inside his office with a gun to his head. Reportedly there were two employees of the courthouse in the office with Tom, Ray Giacontiere and Louis Ivon, as well as two of Arnold's staff members, Kelly Byrd and Roy Allen.

The witnesses report that two caucasian NOPD police officers appeared on the scene and they appeared to be detectives, dressed in pants, shirt and tie. The witnesses report that the situation was diffused and the officers left in an SUV with a security camera videotape.

That is all I have been able to verify, so far, through the eyewitnesses.

The problem I have here is that it appears there was no police report filed on the incident. Combined with the report that the security videotape was removed from the courthouse, it concerns me that there was an effort by multiple law enforcement officials to cover the incident up.

If Mr. Arnold used his influence to quell the reports of the incident or if he was shown special favor by law enforcement officials.....this needs to be public knowledge.

Also, I would ask why was the tax assessor carrying a weapon in the Algiers Courthouse in the first place? Was he authorized to do this?

There seems to be a pattern of abuse of privilege with Arnold:

Tom Arnold fails to quash charges of misuse of police lights

Blue light not-so-special

These are two incidents which show a clear abuse of privilege by this man who is wanting to hold one of the most important public offices in our city government. I think this issue needs to be known by District C voters.

I have made repeated attempts to contact both Mr. Arnold and his campaign to comment on the incident but I have received no official response on the record.

I encourage Mr. Arnold or his campaign to please comment on this issue or contact me personally if they wish to respond.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Poor John

All the money in the world, the secret hit campaigns, the subterfuge....and he still can't hide the truth.

It's a new day, man.

He can whine about it as much as he wants, but he's only going to expose his paranoia even further:

John Georges v. The Dangerous People of the Internet

I love Perry's comment....if you say the same thing to people over and over, you don't have to worry about being exposed. If you change your story for the audience you're speaking to, then you're fucked.

Say what you mean and mean what you say, the people will decide.

So what he's saying here is that anyone who has a mobile phone with video capability is dangerous....I guess his new platform is anti-iPhone. He should probably go back and edit the mobile phone out of the dog commercial.

I love Rob Couhig's body language through this clip. Georges included Rob's name along with Troy Henry and his own as being victims of an internet conspiracy. Rob looked like he was trying to distance himself from that number but Garland didn't recognize him.

And the conspiracy theory count is now up to Deux.

1. The honky cabal conspiracy.

2. The internet and iPhone conspiracy.

I gotta tell you, I'm bumfuzzled as to what the next one could be? Here are some thoughts:

- The Saints are conspiring to win the superbowl and that's why I lost the election.

- The earthquake in Haiti is diverting attention away from my campaign.

- There's a voodoo cult that is putting a hex on me.

These guys need to write for Glen Beck, or better yet, Pat Robertson.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh look..

...I guess maybe we're not dealing with "mini-controversies" anymore.

New Orleans mayoral candidate Troy Henry sued by former business partner

Funny how there's no mention of the B3 lawsuit.

Lawsuit Count: 2

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "'You need to go back and do your research..."":

New lawsuit filed against Troy Henry:
Diamond Darren
Henry Troy; Henry Consulting LLC
1/14/2010 2:10-cv-00093C Berrigan
(New Orleans)

I think what's happening is the B3 lawsuit has tipped off other business partners of Henry's that he may have been sucking money out of his business ventures to fund his campaign.

This suit is a breach of contract lawsuit and was filed just yesterday.

Stay tuned, I hope to post the suit in a few minutes.

Here it is:

Darren A. Diamond Vs. Troy A. Henry Consulting, LLC.

And that appears to be what is being alleged:

a) order Troy A. Henry and Henry Consulting, LLC to provide a detailed
accounting of the revenue and expenditures of Henry Consulting, LLC since
April 17, 2009 -- including the payment of distributions, loans, or other
amounts by the company to Troy A. Henry, the use of company assets as
collateral for personal borrowing of Troy A. Henry or his mayoral campaign,
the payment of personal obligations of Troy A. Henry by the company, the
payment of expenses related to the mayoral campaign of Troy A. Henry by
the company, and the use of company employees to perform services for the
mayoral campaign of Troy A. Henry;

Henry Consulting was supposed to buy Diamond out of the company for $1,067,394. HC never paid that amount, and now Diamond is alleging that Henry has diverted the company's assets into his mayoral campaign.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

And the conspiracy theory continues...

Quote from Troy Henry last night:

"As it relates to representation yes, African-Americans have a large representation but there is a move afoot people to change that. If you look out there today there is a move afoot to have a majority white city council, the Inspector General is white, a District Attorney that's white, a US Attorney that's white, a head of education that's white - all of a sudden you begin to wonder is there even going to be African-American representation in our elected officials so there is a move afoot to not only continue the racial divide but also to create a representation divide when you have a 65% African-American city.

There is a whole move afoot now to create a whole bunch of oversight organizations for African-American-run organizations - let's face it - whether it be the Metropolitan Crime Commission, the BGR, public private Horizon Initiative to outsource that element of government, outsourcing the element of NORD -- all of sudden what the plan appears to be is in essence to neuter African-American power and have economic leadership stay in the hands of the minority white."

This bullshit is killing this city. It's so sad.

The move to broaden the racial divide is afoot....and he's responsible for it, along with Riley, and Nagin. Their attempts to polarize the New Orleans' community along racial lines only perpetuate the exact evil they proclaim to despise.

I think from now on, in any debate or mayoral forum....people should bring a mirror and the moment Henry starts spouting this crap everyone should hold their mirrors up. A reflection campaign.

My hopes for this election is that it will be the beginning of the end for this mentality....that doesn't mean I hope a white mayor is means I hope we get to the point where it doesn't matter what a candidate's skin color is. Or at least get to the point where race isn't used to polarize our community for the sake of getting an egomaniac elected at any cost.


To Mrs. Gadbois, Mr. Zurik, and the rest of his former WWL crew for winning the illustrious Dupont award:

Call your councilperson

...and tell them to support this ordinance. It may be the most important thing you could do to help this city.

Read more at We Could Be Famous.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

'You need to go back and do your research..."

Those were the marching orders I got from Troy Henry when I asked him about his claim that he was THE President of United Water.

Ok...I took him up on it.

Henry Consulting is currently being sued by their minority business partner, B3, in a joint venture they partnered in called Infinity Fuels, LLC. Infinity Fuels owns eight Shell gas stations in New Orleans and more in other metropolitan areas such as San Francisco and Detroit.

B3 v Henry Consulting

While there are multiple issues against Henry Consulting, including charges by B3 that Henry violated the terms of their contract by going behind their back and soliciting business in other markets independently of Infinity, the primary concern for voters is that B3 is possibly suggesting that Troy Henry misappropriated Infinity's funds and Infinity clients' funds into his mayoral campaign...up to the amount of $395,000.

Here B3 has filed 6 loans Henry gave his campaign as an exhibit:

As well as his personal financial disclosure for his mayoral run:

The specific charge is leveled here in item 22 of Count One: Breach of Contract and Bad Faith:

I contacted the campaign today and requested that they please respond to me so I could ask them about the lawsuit and allegations. I did not receive a reply. I have been in contact with the campaign since my first post but I have no comments from them on the record.

I would like to ask them about this issue, specifically the following questions:

1. Does Mr. Henry plan on complying with the subpoena and providing the financial transactions which prove that he, personally, provided the campaign funds as opposed to the funds being drawn from Henry Consulting, or from Infinity Feuls?

2. Can Mr. Henry verify the source of the funds...the 6 loans amounting to $380,000?

3. Are his campaign reports accurate and did his treasurer sign his last campaign financing report?

4. The 6th and largest loan, $180,000, was not listed in his original campaign finance report which was released after the loan was made. Why?

Now, on top of these financing issues, Henry's personal financial disclosure which is listed in the lawsuit shows a very curious source of income for Henry Consulting:

Ok...I was lambasted for listing the previous contract with the City, which went unpaid, as proof that Henry Consulting had any contracts with the city. I subsequently posted a correction.

But this is a financial disclosure which clearly states a payment from the City...this is not just a contract. Am I wrong again in concluding that Henry Consulting was paid $9,000 from the City of New Orleans?

Or maybe this was paid without an actual contract?

Please Donate to Haiti

Here's mine:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Are you starting to see the pattern?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This explains so much...":

By the way...

...Riley was also (yesterday or a couple days ago?) on 990 AM with Irvin Mayfield (I think it was his show) amd coincidentally enough Mayfield - asking Riley for a one or two word summation of each name - went down a long list of every local pol (the whoel council, Nagin, all the candidates for mayor) and ended with a great crescendo with who else but....

...yes, Stacy Head.

Riley was asked to as with the rest come up with a quick summary of what came to his mind with that name.

---His response? "David Duke."---

I'm surprised that didn't get more coverage, but then I wonder who was really listening and who really heard about it.

Personally, I think this stuff is directed towards regaining District B for the for-profit minister crowd more than anything else, and that is and was where Nagin, Boyd and Washington were going with their email ploy long ago (though with maybe some beneficial side aims that may or may not have panned out over time).

Game on.

Monday, January 11, 2010

This explains so much...

Little did I know our police chief was paranoid schizophrenic.

Police Superintendent Warren Riley lashes out at critics

Riley's recent comments came in a wide-ranging interview in which the chief, who has said he will leave office in May when Mayor Ray Nagin's term ends, blasted his critics. He decried the local media, some politicians, business leaders and a "shadow government" -- all of whom, he said, have joined forces to make him and Nagin appear incompetent.

"There are certainly people in city government and leadership positions who are incompetent, who are blatantly racists, who have done everything they could to make this administration fail,"

Riley said.
Riley said that unnamed "powerful" people have launched a campaign to downplay his and Nagin's successes as city leaders.

Let me help him out with the names of those "unnamed powerful people" who have promoted the failures of this administration....Ray Nagin and Warren Riley....those are the people who have done the most damage to the reputations of Ray Nagin and Warren Riley.

A "shadow government"? Well, if they do exist they really suck at what they do man, cause they allowed Nagin to run this city into the ground for the past 8 years.

The shadow Mr. Riley is afraid of is his own.

I wonder if he's mistaking them for the shadow government that got Nagin elected in the first know, all the white republicans Nagin fed contracts to over the past 8 years. Is that who we're talking about here?

It's truly amazing that these guys can't take responsibility for anything. Now all of their failures are the result of some mysterious white cabal? And Stacy Head is the High Priestess? And Riley is conveniently the one spouting this rhetoric now, at the end of his tenure and in the final weeks before an election?

This is pathetic.

There is a conspiracy but it's not the one Riley is prophesying. The call on WBOK was obviously a plant....and it was poorly orchestrated at that.

I think Riley needs to produce this email or resign....that simple.

Oh, and if he does produce an email, he needs to explain how he got it, where he got it and be prepared to prove the email hasn't been altered. Which means the source (Head) and the recipient(s) all have matching data, as well as every node in between....maybe we can get another LTC investigation or tap Sunblock...wherever they disappeared to.

more to come...

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Man of the Year Vs. Apeshit Rich Guy

Yeah, I know I could have been more creative with the title, but sometimes simplicity works.

First, read Eli's post here.

I got some audio recordings of it last night right after the event, and I thought it was a joke at first. This is pretty outrageous. I fully understand why he wants Letten to disappear, but to admit it in public is borderline insane.

I tend to agree with the gist of this sentiment:

Anonymous said:

Now do you understand why Georges want to replace Jim Letten?!!!???!!!??!! His stance at the OPDEC was not a coincidence at all. He is worried that he is about to go down in a public corruption scandal himself. Its going to get really ugly now and expect so see a faux racial card played to get rid of Letten by some white power brokers who are policially corrupted.

Of course I understand why he would want to replace Jim Letten, I just never dreamed he was stupid enough to say it in public. He's either really scared or really stupid, or both.

Was the purpose of that comment to rally crooks in Jefferson Parish? Last time I checked they don't vote in Orleans.

I'd love to be in his war room listening to this idea hatch.

"Hey...Hey....what if we attack the most popular and well respected guy in the city?!?"

Brilliant. Was that the same person who thought of the dog commercial?

Just so happens the guy he's wanting to replace won Gambit's Man of the Year. Two things I want to point out in this piece:

Letten, meanwhile, had earned his stripes in the U.S. Department of Justice's Organized Crime Strike Force as a hard-nosed prosecutor. He had recently convicted several suspected Mafia chieftains for trying to take over Louisiana's nascent video poker industry.

A little foreshadowing on Mr. Dubos' part?

Former city technology boss Greg Meffert, his wife Linda and former Meffert partner Mark St. Pierre were charged in November in a 63-count indictment for conspiracy, wire fraud, bribery, money laundering and other charges. The case stems from City Hall's crime camera debacle. The City Hall investigation is "ongoing," Letten says.

"Ongoing" being the pregnant word in that sentence. Are there more charges to come in "The
Case of the Cockeyed Crime Cameras"? Now who could that be?

Meanwhile, I ate a big fried shrimp Po-Boy the other day and got heartburn. I stopped by a drug store near the Yenni building to get some Pepto-Bismol and I'll be damned if they weren't completely sold out...clerk said she couldn't keep it on the shelves. Weird.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Who is Troy Henry? Really....who is he?

When Troy Henry first announced his mayoral ambitions, I was like most people and responded, "who?" I faintly remembered the name from the UNOP days, but I didn't know much about him.

I was particularly interested in the reports that he attempted to privatize New Orleans' water utilities because I shuddered at the thought of I started searching the interpipes to find out more. One thing lead to another, as web searches often do, and I began to learn the story of the debacle which occurred with the City of Atlanta and United Water (Henry's former company). The city was one of the first major municipalities to explore the world of water privatization and United Water landed the contract.

Things didn't work out so well:

City finds pros, cons for United Water

As Cities Move to Privatize Water, Atlanta Steps Back

Water for Profit

So as I was reading all this I was picturing Troy Henry, President of United Water, and wondering how he handled the crisis. But then I noticed something no online article could I find any listing which stated Troy Henry as the president of United Water. I found articles and a company profile which listed Henry as the President of the South region, but it became increasingly clear to me that Henry was never "THE President" of United Water.

He was listed on the executive team up to the summer of 2003 as President, Southern Region, but he was never listed as THE President and/or CEO.


So I started calling United Water to find out if I was missing something, I did finally get a response from a person in their media relations dept. who did in fact state that Henry was never "THE president of the company".

While I was shooting Henry's press conference yesterday, I took the opportunity to ask him about it.


Henry: "You are absolutely right, I was the President of the Southern Region."

Me: "But you said you were President of the Company,"

Henry: "I never said I was President of the Company..."

This is his flier which I picked up at the front of his campaign office:

And this is from his website:

My issue here is that he is clearly implying that he ran the entire company when he states "...led a team of 1500 people and a $600 million dollar company." Is it just me or does it get any clearer than that?

He then tries to clarify the issue by stating he was one of 3 presidents in the company and asked me if I wanted him to name the other two...I said yes. He replied, JC Goldman and Bob Iacullo.

Well, actually there were 5 people listed as Regional Presidents, they managed 5 respective regions:

He also conveniently failed to mention the real guy who was running the company, Chairman and CEO, Michael J Chessner:

The way I see it, he lied on his resume. This is hauntingly reminiscent of a 2002 mayoral candidate we all know, Ray Nagin, claiming he was a CPA. This is why I'm so concerned...this guy is coming out of the gate lying to us....what's he capable of if he gets elected?

Second issue....on WIST's Eric Asher's show, Asher asked Henry if he had received any contracts with the City of New Orleans. Henry told Asher no and here is his reply:

Full Interview

Well then how do you explain this contract in 2008?

$400/hr.? Damn, that's pushing Bernardo rates.

He and his consulting company clearly had a city contract in 2008. Why would he lie about that? Did he forget about a 280k contract? Damn, life must be good for him if that's the case.

I'm harping on this because I do not want to see another mayor in office who:

1. lies

2. doesn't take responsibility for his actions.

We've had 8 years of that and it damn near destroyed us. It may yet....we still have to get to May.

I would invite and encourage Mr. Henry to reply to this post.

UPDATE: I was immediately contacted by someone from Henry's camp and they informed me that the city never actually paid Henry Consulting for this contract. I hope to get more information tomorrow.

An Inspired Zombie

Guys, I am really humbled at your donations over the past couple days and I can't thank you enough. I also greatly appreciate the brainstorming and suggestions. I'm not the world's greatest businessman so that aspect doesn't come easy to me.

I am inspired to ramp up my efforts and I have been having some good talks with Mr. Haney from Humid Beings on how to move this stuff forward and get to another level. My background is in video and that's where I would really like to move this thing we're trying to hatch a plan.

In the interim, I shot the Troy Henry press conference yesterday in it's entirety and we hope to have that up on Humid Beings shortly. In the meantime I will post some stuff on Henry later on tonight.

Once again...thanks so much.

Good god...

Look...I don't know if this is makin' money for these guys (and christ I hope it is).....but I was trying to navigate this website and I feel like I just got off the Tilt O' Whirl at the county fair.

There's Times Square....and then there's Pigeon Forge.

My point is, I think Fox 8 should reconsider their homepage, unless of course this is really workin' for them. And by workin' I mean turnin' bills.

I just feel like I've been raped by word for Urban Dictionary!

Pixelpoked? Help me out guys.

You bet your sweet ass it does

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Damn...what a catch

Turns out it was indeed a great day for fishin':

Feds subpoena Superdome Commission for documents

Feds subpoena Superdome Commission

A good day to go fishing

Cold weather and all...Tuesday is just made to go fishing. Here's the cast:

Anonymous said...

Looks like an opportunity to sell lots of cigaretts and video poker machines.
"Whitmer, Broussard, Hubbard and Lagniappe Industries and about 10 others are facing RICO charges in a civil suit in federal court in New Orleans. The case was started back in July and lays of the schemes, companies and campaign committees that have been used to steal public monies. The use of zoning laws, land values, and in kind services appear to be the method of hiding transactions and laundering money.

The case is Edwards v St. John Parish"
"Here are some of the allegations against Whitmer in a federal RICO suit:

"From on or about January 1999, Defendant Tim Whitmer did solicit and accept bribes from vendors and contractors of the Parish of Jefferson in concert with, and aided and abetted by, Defendants Aaron Broussard, William J. Hubbard, Lagniappe Industries, Dawn Whitmer, and Hubbard Enterprises, Inc., in conjunction with CT Investments, LLC, CWC Gaming, LLC, DHP, LLC, and the Tim Coulon Campaign clandestinely receive things of value in exchange for illegal use of his office for the benefit of private citizens and their businesses."

Anonymous said...

Coulon and Coulon Jr. still work for Adams & Reese? You know the same law firm that Marc Morial worked at after he left the Mayor's office?

The Superdome Commission is probably the next shoe to drop in this on-going scandal. Ask yourself why he dropped off this commission so quickly--is it because he has the insurance contract for it? Hmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Guys this is the Georges connection:

Jack Capella is the brother of Tom Cappella, the JP Council co-president.

There are like 1-3 JP Council aides invvolved in the whole Lagniappe thing, starting with Hinyub (no secrets here, all, this is all on the web, for instance Council aide Richard Hinyub was/is the attorney for Lagniappe and JP Attorney Wilkinson is in the same law firm).

Jack Cappella was on the Superdome Commission too (or maybe represented the Superdome, or both, or something like that), but had a big falling out and lawsuit followed.

The Cappellas have tons of inside connection to Broussard / Coulon / Wilkinson etc.

Jack Cappella works for...... georges Enterprises.